Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Généralement, les gens qui savant peu parlent becoup, et les gens qui savant beaucoup parlent peu.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Why do I find it so hard to keep up a blog?   Anyway, just wanted to share 1 little piece of info.  I will be spending my summer in Greece!  Just found out today!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I'm beginning to think I am too busy to have a blog and that I am in fact not much of a blogging type!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

I've been so busy and now today, snow, snow SNOW everywhere, the Airport is closed, I stayed home from work (fortunately I can get a lot done from home anyway).  It's really beautiful though!

By the way, my "date" went beautifully!  Meal was delicious, company was divine, perfect!  I'll tell you more later, we are heading outside to enjoy the lovely snowfall before it starts falling harder (which apparently it is supposed to do soon!)

Friday, November 26, 2010

TIme Flies!

We've been looking at some old photos and wow, I can't believe how things change in a matter of 8 years!

This is me at 19...I was on student exchange in Lisbon, it feels like it was yesterday! I guess I've gained a little weight since then and I've stopped with the coloured contacts (seriously, what was I thinking?) but the red hair lives on!
I wish I could remember all the portuguese I picked up there though.

Boa noite!


Oh Joanne, I think we need to learn how to use our cameras better! The girls came by to keep me company while I get ready for my big "date" and to have a couple drinks!

I think this is the dress

I purchased this dress from TopShop and haven't had anywhere to wear it. Until tonight. I'm about to get ready to go out and I'm thinking I should wear this! I absolutely fell in love with it when I first saw it and I'm so excited to have a chance to play dress up in it!